Webster Farms Ltd


5859 Hwy 1
Cambridge Station, NS
B0P 1G0

Strawberries and Raspberries: We produce strawberries and raspberries and market them throughout Atlantic Canada during the traditional summer berry season, which extends from late June to late July for strawberries and from mid July to mid August for raspberries. Our commercially harvested fresh fruit is shipped precooled to remove field heat and extend shelf life.


Dried Beans: We pride ourselves on being the #1 producer of quality baking beans in the Maritimes. We concentrate our production of quality baking beans on three varieties: Yellow Eye, Jacob's Cattle and Soldier.

Phone: (902) 538-9492

Email: webfarm@eastlink.ca

November 1 - March 31: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday
April 1 - October 31: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm, Monday - Friday

Region: Bay of Fundy & Annapolis Valley

Fruit Vegetables