White Crow Cattle Company

Retail Location

Brooklyn, NS

We are raising grassfed, hormone free beef for todays market. All beef is custom cut to each customers needs. Whole uncut 1/4 and halves are available. All of our meat is butchered at a local, govt inspected shop. We do deliver upon request. Animals are butchered as orders are taken thus ensuring freshness and that you get the cuts you want. Smaller box orders are available most of the time. Ground beef is always available.

We are growing british crossbred and purebred Simmental cattle. This allows a nicely framed animal with a good growth rate. There are no feed additives in the winter as the cattle seem to do fine on haylage and dry hay. We are butchering year round without compromise to taste quality or tenderness.

We also have availible free range pork. The pigs are fed moderately on haylage,hay, our own oats and lots of vegetables and cull fruit. No corn is ever fed to these pigs. We are aiming for 90-100lb sides of pork. If you would like to raise your own pig, we sell piglets by preorder.

All orders require a deposit before the animal is butchered.


Contact: Robert Crow

Phone: (902) 799-9470

Email: brooklynhill@msn.com

8am-8pm daily

Region: Bay of Fundy & Annapolis Valley

Meat and Poultry